Details for this torrent 

Guild Wars 2
Games > PC
13.89 GB

GW2 Guild Wars guild wars 2 Arenanet beta client client full client full guild wars beta weekend

Jul 19, 2012


This is an installer for me Created to help players who are having trouble downloading the game for various reasons or for those who prefer to use Torrent.

Downloaded on July 18, 2012, free from any kind of malware.

if you have problems send me email:

sabrew.akakochira @

Enjoy! ^ ^ 

Copa 2014, Rio 2016. O Brasil está na moda !!!


URUGUAY ! Como en 1950 :-)
so I still need to buy the game, correct?
yes but many players do not have a stable connection to download from the launcher, so I'm trying to help them.
please, who is completing the download, which becomes the seed for at least 3 days. have many colleagues who precisamde your help. collaborate!

please, who is completing the download, which becomes the seed for at least 3 days. have many colleagues who need your help. collaborate
Thank you uploader. I've missed 2 betas due to being unable to stay connected entire time to download the damned game. This is a huge help :)
i will seed when finished
Sorry to ask, but is this the NA version or the EU?
definitely needs more seeders!
I got a cd key from youtube just search guild wars 2 cd keys on youtube and there are a few videos with list of keys in the description. Your welcome...
I got a cd key from youtube just go on there and search guild wars 2 cd keys and there are abunch of vids with lists of cd keys in the description. Your welcome.
Don't listen to POPU, it's a scam fabricated to steal your personal information. PHISHING SCAMS!

You cannot crack this one, or at least it will be tough. Just buy the game, F2P online. Never played an MMORPG on the pc but this game looks entertaining `;)
key gen only works once in a blue moon and steals a key from the person it should work for.
Its gonna be atleast a year before this game is properly cracked and put on a private server, by then it will be old news and no one will care about it.

Better buy it now while you can still experience the game at its glory before no one really gives a shit and you're just trying it out for free on a pathetic private server with hacked donor weapons and bugs, bugs everywhere.
I have completed the download but when i open the GW2.exe it starts downloading the client again.

Is there any specific place or action i have to do before starting the GW2.exe ?
Don't be old pizza, seed! :)
I made the mistake of buying this game. After 5 days I was banned for 72 hours for having the name "Kit Kat Club", no warnings, no explanation until after I sent in tickets. There is no customer support number, they take your 60 dollars then treat you like garbage. Stay away from this one guys.
mine started downloading then said access denied :/
just got the game and I will be pissed if someone used that key and got my code...
Many thanks sabrew!
Same issue as Noneku, after downloading and unrar, opening the client leads to the entire thing being downloaded again. Don't know what I'm supposed to do with that 13gb .dat file, can't mount it with daemontools. Please help?
==To Everyone With Problems==

Quick explanation: This is a 13gig download for the game meant to be used as an ALTERNATE method of obtaining the game. Only for PAYING USERS of Guild Wars 2. You cannot patch or continue to download until you have logged in (Might happen, it's like that on newer patch clients). THIS IS NOT FOR PRIVATE SERVERS, THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU MOUNT. The entire game is compressed into a few files so it does not take a lot of folder space, logistically speaking.

More details: Put the entire contents of the download in any path you wish the game to be in. This is the entire game (excluding future patches). Once done with that you launch GuildWars2.exe. Once that is done you let the patcher do it's thing. Chances are it will download A LOT of data seeing as it is always being updated..

I hope this cleared up any questions or unresolved issues.

If you still have problems I recommend using the latest official download available at your profile on the GW2 website.

i was wondering what the purpose of having the game without the cd key is ?
This game is a fucking joke, a parody of a real mmorpg. Like so many I was foolish enough to believe all their promises so I bought the game when it was released at the end of august 2012. 2 weeks later I realized that this game is pure shit! I was already done with that fucking retarded game. Do yourself a favor, don't waste your time and more important don't waste your money with this crap!!